Back at Uni: How I Feel

I went back home for lockdown- although that wasn't my intention- so all of my belongings stayed in student accommodation while I was at home. Luckily for me, because I'm at a smaller uni, all of my things being left behind meant that once I came back in September everything was set up for me. And I got to keep my room.

So anyway, I'm back at uni.

It took a while to actually get this post written. I've been trying for a couple of weeks but every time I tried either something else came up or I changed my mind about what I'd written. I moved in two weeks before I went back to Uni and so I decided to put writing on hold until I'd gone back and got back into the swing of things.

I guess that's how I feel now.

I thought I'd settled well into student accommodation last year, but I guess I didn't know anything. Honestly, I was a little worried about feeling homesick this year. After spending so much time with family during lockdown- although that was starting to get a bit overwhelming- I thought I'd struggle coming back.

I do enjoy my independence, and I really think I thrive with it, but being stuck at home I had company pretty much 24/7; and I spent a lot of time alone last year. But, luckily for me, I got two new flat mates, who I have a lot in common with and I spend a lot of my time with so there really isn't a lot of time to be alone.

So, overall I think I'm settling back in pretty well. And even though there is that looming threat of coronavirus and perhaps a second lockdown, I don't think I'll be too bad this year.

Of course, I miss my family, and the idea that I might not see them for a long time if we do go into another lockdown really upsets me but I have really good people around me so I hope that I should be okay.

And now onto my actual classes...

I really missed uni. Honestly, I even missed the essays. I don't know if that seems weird, but I'm not sure I care. I just messed having set work. So, I'm glad that with second year you don't waste much time before you properly start getting into the work.

I'm about three weeks into lessons and we've already got most of our plans for the final assignments.

I love it.

The only weird things is having to wear a mask in the classroom and around the uni, and having to sanitise everything you use. Coronavirus is just very prominent in our everyday lives, and yes that makes me anxious, I doubt I'm alone there, but uni is such a good distraction for me.

So, overall I am so happy to be back at uni and in accommodation, and while there are still things that make me feel anxious (and coronavirus obviously) I really feel like this will be a fairly good year.

How are you doing if you're back at uni or if you're just starting?

I hope you are all okay and staying safe.
Love you all xoxo


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