Pink Hair!

I've been wanting to dip dye my hair for a while and I've had the dye ready since may, but I couldn't while I was at school because if I dyed my hair an unnatural colour they would send me home and I wouldn't be allowed beck into school until it was out of my hair... I have my GCSE's next year so I thought that maybe I should get an education so I don't fail. But it's ridiculous that we aren't allowed to express our selves through our hair colour when they are constantly telling us that we should express ourselves and find out who we are... but anyway, the other day I dip dyed my hair, because I'm off school for the summer, using Dip Dye Excess by Loreal Paris. I have naturally brown hair so I had to bleach the ends of my hair first, which if fine if you don't mind bleaching you're hair because it's not really supposed to be used on brunettes, and it's got a bright pink! It works perfectly and it comes it different colours too. This is a great dye if you're doing it yourself... so go ahead and express yourselves :)

Love you all xoxo


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