Big Year

I'm sorry its been a while since I posted a blog post, but I have been pretty busy at school. I've only been back for two weeks and already the pressure is piling on and I'll admit I'm a little scared.

This year is my last year of secondary school, its my GCSEs which could have the biggest impact on my career, I have teachers who are already organising revision classes to start next week and other teachers telling me to revise now. And this year I am turning 16- my mum says that 18 is the big birthday but my friends seem to be making my 16th a big deal.

I don't know, maybe its because they know its my last birthday that I will most likely spend with them, because lets admit it I won't have as much time for them and I'll make new friends at college who I will most likely also leave behind when I go to University.

This is all so scary and its all moving so quickly. Before I know it my 17 year old cousin will have a girl friend and be driving, he could be married in 4 or 5 years... and this is the cousin who I used to play with as a little kid. My 4 month old cousin, who fell asleep on my lap only a couple of weeks ago, will be walking and talking and then off to school.

And then there's me and my cousin who are two months apart in age. At the end of this academic year we will both have finished our last year and our exams and we will be waiting for our results.

Yesterday I had my last ever individual school photo taken, it was a big thing for me and my friends. and my mum.... I guess you never really notice the impact all these things have on our parents. They are watching us grow up, these children that they have watched grow from babies and raised. They see that we are slowly slipping away, out of their protection.

So my point is that life goes by quickly... make the most of it.

Love you all xoxo


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