Your opinions

I know that this little blog has few readers and I am not quite sure if any of you are permanent, though I don't think you are but if you are you probably know better than I do how bad I am at updating regularly. I did promise that I would have more posts this holidays which I shouldn't have as I am pretty bad at updating and I didn't quite realise how busy I would be. But as a 16 year old GCSE student I thing I am doing well enough.

If you are a GCSE student yourself you might be able to relate to the stress that the teachers pile on us, and maybe it isn't as difficult for us as working life will be but I think that as this is the first real amount of stress we feel then we are going to get a little overboard.

I have decided that tomorrow and hopefully Sunday and Monday I shall update as I have a few planned posts but I have decided to reveal my until June schedule-

Monday- College interview
Middleish of March- start of two week Easter holidays
First two days back at school in April- Textiles exam
Later on in April- Art exam
Middle of May- Start of GCSEs
June 17th- End of GCSEs
June 23rd-Prom
Rest of June- free to update more regularly (although don't rely on that)

If you lasted through this blog post I applaud you because I don't know if I would of been able to.

Hopefully if you stick with me through this blog then you can see how my writing develops, you can see me off to university and I will hopefully keep writing for a long time and you will get to know me much better.

As a final message to you fantastic readers, I have been wondering if there are any posts that you feel as though you might enjoy reading? Any requests?

Love you all xoxo


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