My Sixth Form/College Induction Experience
Transferring to a school where I know absolutely nobody both terrifies and excites me. One part of me is thankful to be leaving my secondary school and moving on with me life; However, the other part is worried and scared.
The sixth form I have applied for deals with you more like a college does. It is on the same site as the college and you have access to the college building. As there are no secondary school students attending- it will be completely different and according to other students you are treated like an adult.
I went to my induction day yesterday and just before I went into the school I panicked. The thought of being on my own and not knowing anyone frightened me. My mum reassured me and I went in. There weren't many others there, around 30, and apparently they separated the new students out into smaller introduction groups.
I was so worried about being alone that I hadn't realised that there would be others that would be alone. There were a few others that either weren't from that area, like me, or were the only ones from their particular school.
The teachers were really welcoming and everyone was friendly. Although I spent my time alone, nobody ignored me. One boy could tell I was scared, so he had a conversation with me to distract me.
Moving from one school to another isn't as terrifying as you think, you just have to have a little faith and confidence... and talk to others.
Good luck to anyone starting a new school, going to university, going to college or sixth form!
Love you all xoxo
The sixth form I have applied for deals with you more like a college does. It is on the same site as the college and you have access to the college building. As there are no secondary school students attending- it will be completely different and according to other students you are treated like an adult.
I went to my induction day yesterday and just before I went into the school I panicked. The thought of being on my own and not knowing anyone frightened me. My mum reassured me and I went in. There weren't many others there, around 30, and apparently they separated the new students out into smaller introduction groups.
I was so worried about being alone that I hadn't realised that there would be others that would be alone. There were a few others that either weren't from that area, like me, or were the only ones from their particular school.
The teachers were really welcoming and everyone was friendly. Although I spent my time alone, nobody ignored me. One boy could tell I was scared, so he had a conversation with me to distract me.
Moving from one school to another isn't as terrifying as you think, you just have to have a little faith and confidence... and talk to others.
Good luck to anyone starting a new school, going to university, going to college or sixth form!
Love you all xoxo
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