My Christmas traditions

We all have those traditions that make each Christmas special for us. Sometimes they're small and sometimes they are quite significant.

I have quite a few traditions, many of them are little things but they are special to me and I've done them for so many years.

-Terrys Chocolate Orange... I love to curl up under a blanket and eat chocolate. I associate chocolate orange with Christmas,  so I tend to eat a lot of it!

-We put our Christmas tree up as a family. We get the decorations out, my dad puts the lights on the tree, then my mum, sister and me hang decorations and drape tinsel on the branches. We sometimes play Christmas films or music in the background.

-I have a play list of Christmas music downloaded onto my phone which I play whilst I'm on the bus.

-I love to curl up and watch Christmas films. My favourites are The Santa Claus films.

-I stock up on Christmas candles and use them to decorate my bedroom along with tinsel and my mini tree.

-I have read 'A Christmas Carol' every single year since I was in year 6. It is one of the best novels, especially when you read it around Christmas.

-Every year my mum puts together a hamper full of food which we open around the 17th of December and lay out on our 'Christmas side'.

You might not class some of these as traditions, I class these as traditions because I do them every year. I have quite a few traditions, these are just a small number of them.

What are your traditions and favourite things about Christmas?

Love you all xoxo


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