My Makeup - Then and Now!
Over the years my makeup has changed and with it my skills have developed (hopefully!) I have gone through phases, used new makeup products and extended the amount of products I use. Like most (if not all) people who read this blog, I love buying new makeup. I like trying out new products but I still have some products that I will always return to. However, I had to start somewhere.
I was between 12 and 13 when I started wearing makeup. I started with eyeliner. I may have been a little obsessed with it; I still am. Eyeliner has always been my favourite. I had a couple of cheap eyeliner pencils that I used to circle my eyes. I applied it quite thick and I avoided my waterline... I was too scared to even try applying eyeliner to my waterline. That is pretty much the only place I apply it now (unless I'm doing winged eyeliner.)
I started wearing foundation about a year later. At that point I didn't really know how to match it. I wore it a shade or two dark and it didn't help that after a while I starting setting it with what I think was a glittery bronzer that i'd received in a gift set.
After realising how dark it was and just how awful it must have looked I started using BB cream in a much lighter shade; I now wonder if it was too light.
I think that my makeup now looks a lot better, but I still have some developments to make. Most people start somewhere and most of the time it doesn't look the best for a while but 'practice makes perfect'!
Love you all xoxo
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