The Best Eye Creams of 2017

A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Lauren from asking me if I'd be interested in looking at some research that had been completed on the best eye creams of 2017.

As someone who has a problem with dark bags under my eyes, I found it quite interesting. I decided that it was something that I wanted to share with you. Before reading this I had no idea what eye creams would actually work and what was best for particular problems.

Taken from
The research is extremely detailed, they started out with 318 different eye creams and after talking to dermatologists and completing their own skincare research they found the best eye creams to deal with certain problems.

What I found interesting...

The amount of research that has gone in to finding the best eye creams to deal with dark circles, wrinkles and puffiness is amazing. They have found what ingredients these eye creams contain and matched them with research to find what will work best.

They went through the process of their investigation in detail; sharing what they did, what they found and their decision before moving on the the next stage.

Why I think it is worth having a look at...

It is an interesting collection of research to look at. It would be good to take a look at if you want or need a new eye cream but you don't know what to get. If you need an eye cream for a problem that will actually work, then take a look at the review.

Although the eye creams could be considered to be slightly on the pricey side, sometimes that little extra cash you spend is completely worth it to find a product that will actually work. 

Love you all xoxo


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