Life Update: Where Have I Been?


I haven't updated my blog in a long time and unlike in the past where I've taken a couple of weeks out, this time I had a reason which created some serious writers block and lack of motivation.

I decided in August to take a month of blogging so that I had time to pack, prepare and spend time with my family before I headed off to University. I spent a small amount of time planning out blog posts for after my break, but I didn't put too much thought into writing.

By September I was ready to put pen to paper and start writing again. I thought that after my first week of University, I would update you all and share my experiences. I was living on my own, my mum and sister had gone back home and I was so excited.

However, I was the only student that showed up to enrol in Journalism at my University for this year; so my course was cancelled. I was so distraught, I had to call my mum to come back to help me. They offered me another  course, but it was noting like the one I'd chosen and I didn't want to be stuck on a course that I didn't enjoy, creating debt for a year I hadn't taken anything from. So I deferred a year.

I had to pack my things back up and move back home. But I couldn't do that immediately, so I stayed with my grandparents for a month. It was relaxing, but I'd enjoyed that taste of independence so much that I found it quite difficult. I was struggling to find motivation to write and I couldn't figure out how to word what had happened. So hear I am, around 5 months later, finally getting my voice and passion for writing back.

I guess in a way, it was nice to have a break. I'd struggled at A-Level with motivation for everything but Creative Writing and I've had time to recuperate. But, I didn't expect it to take this long and I am really ready to get beck to doing what I love (and to stop moping).

So... what am I doing now?

I am currently looking for a job, however with no previous experience it is extremely difficult and I have been turned down by too many to count. I shall pick pack where I left off with University next year (crossing my fingers) but for now I think that I need to start writing again. My plan is to give myself a schedule, I will try to blog once a week and I will also try to write journalistic style articles in preparation for next year. However, I am aware that because this happened this year, it is a possibility that it could happen again so I have to be prepared with a back up option.

I hope that your years have been going better than mine!

Love you all xoxo


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